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MKE Fellows Awarded Scholarship Contributions from Donald Driver Foundation

We are pleased to share with you that the Donald Driver Driven to Achieve Awards has recognized our efforts in connection with the MKE Fellows. We were thrilled that MKE Fellows was part of the program but more importantly we are thrilled that we have 85 young men who are having a transforming life experience. The Driver Foundation contributed $40,000 to our effort and it will be used for our professional development activities and book scholarships for the students. We are really blessed and fortunate to have received the support of the Donald Driver Foundation. Thank you so much for the generous support!

About the Foundation

“Created by Donald Driver to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of multiple charities, companies, community leaders and celebrities on a national and local level, Donald Driver’s Driven to Achieve Awards has donated over $1 Million to various deserving charitable causes since 2014. Tonight, the Donald Driver Foundation will donate $200,000 to the incredible organizations to which our winners have shared their time, talent and resources to help them further their missions and improve our community. In addition to a monetary contribution to their cause, each Driven to Achieve Award Winner will receive a 24 karat gold Driven to Achieve Award sculpted by long-time makers of the Oscar® Awards, RS Owens. The Donald Driver Foundation The mission of the Donald Driver Foundation is to display Strong Hands, Strong Minds and Loving Hearts to serve as a hand up, not a handout. The Donald Driver Foundation has three core focus areas:

  • Helping underprivileged children and families

  • Health, wellness & safety

  • Education & career development

The Donald Driver Foundation has impacted the lives of thousands of families through its donations and partnerships with other community organizations.”

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